Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Now Playing Screen (Music) - iphone

Whenever a song is playing, the Now Playing screen appears, filled with information
and controls for your playback pleasure.
For example:
Return arrow. At the top-left corner of the screen, the fat, left-pointing
arrow means, “Return to the list whence this song came.” It takes you back
to the list of songs in this album, playlist, or whatever.
Song info. Center top: the artist name, track name, and album name.
Nothing to tap here, folks. Move along.
Album list. At the top-right corner, you see a three-line icon that seems
to say, “list.” Tap it to view a list of all songs on this song’s album.

You can double-tap the big album art picture to open the track list, too. it’s a
bigger target.

This screen off ers three enjoyable activities. You can jump directly to
another cut by tapping its name. You can check out the durations of the
songs in this album.
And you can rate a song, ranking it from one to fi ve stars, by tapping its
name and then tapping one of the fi ve dots at the top of the screen. If
you tap dot number 3, for example, then the fi rst three dots all turn into
stars. You’ve just given that song three stars. When you next sync your
iPhone with your computer, the ratings you’ve applied magically show
up on the same songs in iTunes.
To return to the Now Playing screen, tap the upper-right icon once again.
(Once you tap, that icon looks like the album cover.) Or, for a bigger target,
double-tap any blank part of the screen.
Album art. Most of the screen is filled with a bright, colorful shot of
the original CD’s album art. (If none is available—if you’re listening to a
song you wrote, for example—you see a big gray generic musical-note